How a Bridge Loan Eases the Move from One Massachusetts Home to Another

by | Mar 23, 2020 | Business

Bridge loans in Massachusetts can save the day for many homebuyers who find themselves in a pinch. Also known as swing loans, this alternative financial instrument gives you options when you need more time between transactions.

In short, a bridge loan allows you to finance a new house before completing the sale of your current house. With this in mind, there are many reasons to consider this option.

When You Should Consider Using a Bridge Loan

If you are in the challenging position of buying and selling, consider these reasons to use a bridge loan to keep things on track.

  • A downpayment is not affordable without proceeds from selling your current home.
  • Seller of the new house will not accept a contingent offer.
  • You want to secure a new house before listing your current house for sale and you are confident it will sell.
  • The scheduled closing date for your current house comes after the closing of your new home.

Benefits of Bridge Loans

Using bridge loans in Massachusetts for real estate transactions allows a buyer to use the equity in their existing house immediately. Typically, that money goes towards buying a new house without waiting for the old house to sell.

Another way you might benefit from bridge loans is monthly payments may not be due for a few months. This gives you time to build sufficient cash flow.

Hire the Best in Alternative Real Estate Financing

If you are ready to make an offer on a new house without a sale contingency, come to Harper Financial LLC. They are a successful mortgage loan provider in Massachusetts. Contact them for more information.

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