Many older homes have one-car garages that aren’t adequate for today’s multi-vehicle households. Not every house has enough land to convert the garage to fit two vehicles. Homeowners who do have the available land may be interested in consulting garage builders in the Chicago suburbs and learning what’s involved. They can obtain an estimate if the project sounds feasible.
Boosting Home Value and Resale Speed
Should you consider turning a one-car garage into two? If the structure is detached, the cost generally is less because the home’s construction does not need to be considered. Nevertheless, adding the second stall significantly boosts the home’s value and the chance of a speedier future sale. Many residential real estate shoppers pass up houses with one-car garages because a larger one is a priority.
Improved Satisfaction
Once garage builders in the Chicago suburbs complete this project, the household residents also will enjoy improved satisfaction with their abode. In this northern realm, homeowners typically want their automobiles kept inside during wintertime. Otherwise, they have to scrape frost from the windows and brush away snow. Not having to be outside during rainy weather is another convenience.
Should you consider turning a one-car garage into two? The other cheaper option for extra parking could be a simple concrete pad next to the structure. This doesn’t offer any protection from the elements, though. It also doesn’t provide any additional storage space for equipment like a lawnmower, snow blower or various tools.
Contact Absolute Garage Builders today to learn more about garages.