Choosing the right real estate lawyer in Irvine CA

by | Oct 20, 2022 | Law Services

Buying or selling real estate is fraught with legalese, procedure, caveats and covenants. And weaving through the mountains of paperwork involved can be a challenge in itself. To help you through this process, whether it’s commercial or residential real estate you are dealing with, you need a good real estate lawyer in Irvine, CA on your side.

The real estate closing process is extremely complicated, and if handled incorrectly could mean permanently surrendering your rights as a buyer or seller. That’s why individuals are advised against using over the counter “do it yourself” kits, or engaging a fly-by-night attorney’s to represent you. And if the property in question is meant to be a major investment for your future, then all the more reason to seek help from a professional real estate lawyer in Irvine, CA to safeguard your nest egg.

This article suggests a six-step process that you can use to select and screen the ideal real estate lawyer to represent your interests.

Before you hire a real estate lawyer in Irvine, CA, make sure you know the exact area of specialized help you want.

Next, use the extensive resources available at the State Bar association or the American Bar Association to get a list of qualified real estate lawyers in Irvine, CA or the surrounding area. If possible, refine your search to the specific areas of assistance you require or to the community (Zip Code, if available) in which you need help.

Start your search for a good real estate lawyer in Irvine, CA using a short list of no more than four to six names by making appointments with each one and going to meet them at their place of business. Reputable lawyers should not charge you for such initial consultations.

Ask each real estate lawyer in Irvine, CA that you visit how long s/he has practiced in the community. Strike the names of those that don’t meet this threshold.

A real estate lawyer in Irvine, CA that proves s/he has established ties with a number of regional, national and local lenders might be a great asset to you if you require financing for your real estate deal. You can further shorten your list by only keeping names that meet these criteria.

Your final step in selecting the ideal real estate lawyer in Irvine, CA is to ask for references, and meet or speak with as many past or present clients of the lawyer. Once you have established a sense of comfort with a specific name, only then should you go back and discuss further intimate details of your case with them.

Whether you plan to buy, sell, lease or rent. At The Law Offices of Neil J. Cacali we guarantee the best legal service any real estate lawyer Irvine, CA can offer.

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