Most all states require you to have at least liability car insurance to drive legally. However, there are some myths you may have heard about car insurance in Elgin that have been debunked.
Color and Age Affect Rates
A new vehicle doesn’t mean you pay more in premiums because they often have safety features to reduce collisions. Red is commonly associated with risky drivers, but you don’t pay more based on color.
Providers determine your rates based on driving records, credit scores, age, and various other factors. The exception is a sports vehicle, which costs more to insure regardless of age or color.
You Only Need State Minimums
While you don’t have to buy beyond the state minimums, the damages may exceed the limit. If you’re at fault for damages, injured parties could sue you for the remainder.
Not all states require uninsured or underinsured driver protection, but if you get hit by one, you won’t be covered. If you are leasing or financing a vehicle, the lender commonly requires additional coverage.
Traffic Tickets Increase Your Rates
Whether a traffic ticket raises your rates depends on the type of infraction and your driving record. A one-off ticket for a non-moving violation, such as for parking, won’t likely raise your rates.
A moving violation, such as a speeding ticket, commonly increases premiums, but it still may not increase rates. In some cases, you can opt for traffic school to remove the violation from your record.
Don’t let common myths about car insurance in Elgin impact purchase decisions. Car insurance is the law, and you can get a citation for driving without it. If you need a policy, contact Accurate Auto Insurance.