Do Not Lift a Finger with Moving Services Near Phoenix

by | Nov 25, 2022 | Moving and Storage

Moving is an exciting but stressful time. According to recent statistics, on average, Americans will move at least nine times in their lives. Many of your friends and family members may have moved before and told you all the problems they ran into, such as lifting heavy furniture down and around winding staircases. They may have discussed how long it took them to pack, and now that they are at their new home, they are still struggling to finish unpacking. The best moving services near Phoenix also offer house packing services.

Residential Packing Services

Moving services near Phoenix include long-distance, local, full-service, hybrid, and self-service. In a self-service move, you may only need to rent a box truck to tote your belongings over to your new house. Full-service residential packing services include

  • Packing your current items
  • Loading your personal belongings onto a truck
  • Driving the truck
  • Delivery
  • Unpacking

If you are worried about a stranger having access to your prized possessions, you can alleviate your nervousness by overseeing the movers.

Packing and Unpacking

Packing and unpacking your belongings takes a long time. You must sort through every item and place them in their designated areas. When you are trying to focus on work, tend to your children, or both, it is difficult to pack and unpack successfully. Luckily, the best moving services near Phoenix will handle the packing and unpacking moving services. With full-service moves, you do not have to lift a finger. The moving company will do it for you.

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