Our Monroe LA Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help You After an Accident

by | Feb 26, 2020 | Lawyers

Nearly every personal injury case involves the law of negligence. A person can be held to be negligent when he or she fails to act as an ordinary and reasonable prudent person would act under the same or similar circumstance. Here are some examples of some of the types of negligence cases that a personal injury lawyer in Monroe, LA, might represent clients in:

  • Automobile, truck and motorcycle accidents.
  • Slip-and-falls and trip-and falls on property owned or occupied by somebody else.
  • Accidents involving pedestrians or bicycles.
  • Boating accidents.
  • Construction and industrial accidents.
  • Nursing home negligence and abuse.
  • Medical malpractice.
  • Wrongful death.


As opposed to states like Florida, Louisiana is a fault-based state where a person who caused an accident and injuries can be held legally responsible for the personal injury damages that a victim of an accident suffers. A personal injury lawyer in Monroe, LA, at

Hudson Potts & Bernstein will typically seek the following types of damages on behalf of a client:

  • Past and future medical bills.
  • Past and future lost earnings.
  • Any permanent disfigurement or disability.
  • Any permanent disfigurement.
  • Pain and suffering.
  • Lower quality of life.
  • Other valuable damages in the event of a wrongful death.

The Other Insurer

After it learns of a possible personal injury claim against its policyholder, an opposing insurer might go to great lengths to push all or some of the blame onto the victim in an effort to try and devalue his or her case. Don’t give a statement of any kind to the other insurer. Louisiana law doesn’t require you to do that, and you’ll likely hurt your case.

Contact a personal injury lawyer in Monroe, LA, from our offices right after becoming the injured victim in any accident. As opposed to the other insurer’s objective, our objective is to maximize any proceeds that you might derive from a settlement or award.

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