Going off to college can be a very strenuous time in life. Trying to figure out where you are going to live while doing so can add to that stress. This is why most students should simply make the decision to live in UMD student housing off–campus. There are many reasons why this is a much better idea.
Learn Responsibility
Part of the college experience should be learning to become a responsible adult. However, this is difficult to do when living in a dormitory can be so coddling. When you live in your own student apartment, you have to learn how to pay bills on time, how to prepare your own meals, how to housekeep, as well as a host of other duties. This will prepare you for adulthood in a way that dorm living simply cannot.
Great For Studying
Trying to get quality study time while living in a dorm room can be problematic at best. There is usually constant noise, and even if is during the designated quiet hours, there is still the fact that your roommate is sitting right there, which can be quite distracting. When you have your own apartment, you can retire to your own bedroom or even go down to the dedicated study area to cram for finals.
It is very difficult to get any “alone time” when you live in a college dorm. There seems to always be someone coming and going. With UMD student housing off campus, the opposite is true. You are in control of who comes over, so if you just need some time to yourself, you can certainly do that.
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